
Achieve the highest level of brand integration with a Community Hub that looks native to your website & dApp.

The iframe can be customized by passing in a configuration JSON object to the name attribute. Here are a list of possible configuration flags / keys

We are actively working on customization. More customization keys will be available soon, but don't hesitate to reach out if you want something specific!

  • hideLogo - boolean - default false - true if you want to hide the top left logo, false o.w.

  • overrideWidth - number, px - default 1160 - overrides the content width of the page

    • This does not affect smaller breakpoints

  • leftNavBar - boolean - default false - true if you want the nav bar links to be left aligned, false o.w.

    • This is usually used with alignedNavBar: true

    • This is usually used with hideLogo: true as the logo has position absolute

  • alignedNavBar - boolean - default false - true if you want the nav bar to be aligned with the quest cards, false o.w.


<iframe src=".." name='{"hideLogo": true, "overrideWidth": 1360, "leftNavBar": true, "alignedNavBar": true}"></iframe>

Last updated