Working with Printful items

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Importing items from your Printful store

  • Click Store on the left-hand nav bar.

  • Click the β€’β€’β€’ menu next to the New item button.

  • Click Import from Printful.

  • Click Import items on the confirmation modal.

This will import all of the items from your connected Printful store. You can delete any items you do not want to see in your Sesame Labs store.

Imported items will be in a draft state after they are imported. This means they will not appear in your community hub until you publish them.

You will need to add a price and inventory quantity for all imported items before they can be published. To do this:

  • Hover on top of a store item card and click the β€’β€’β€’ menu in the upper-right corner.

  • Click Edit.

  • Enter a value in the Price field.

  • Enter a value in the Inventory field, or activate the Unlimited inventory option.

  • Click Save.

Once you've made the necessary edits to your items, you can publish them to your community hub store for purchase. To do so:

  • Hover on top of a store item card and click the β€’β€’β€’ menu in the upper-right corner.

  • Click Publish.

Shipping address will be collected from buyers automatically when they purchase an item that is synced from Printful. This is the only information collected for Printful orders.

Sending orders to Printful

When someone buys an item you've imported from Printful, the order will appear in your Orders tab on your admin Store page just like other store orders.

To send these orders to Printful for fulfillment, you can do one of the following:

  • Send an individual order: click Send to Printful button at the end of the order row.

  • Send all Printful orders at once: click the β€’β€’β€’ options menu in the upper-right corner of your Orders page, and click Send all Printful orders.

Sending orders to Printful from your Sesame store creates Draft orders in your Printful shop.

Draft orders in Printful are not complete. You will need to visit your Printful orders page to confirm all Draft orders.

You can view the order details page for an order you've sent to printful by clicking the Open icon button at the end of the order row in your Sesame Orders page.

After you confirm orders in Printful, the order status will be automatically updated. When an item is fulfilled, it will be automatically marked as such in your Sesame store.


Sometimes orders can run into issues after they're sent to Printful for fulfillment. This can happen for a number of reasons. If it does, you will see the status on your Sesame Orders page change to Action required.

If you see this status, click on the open icon button next to it to view the order details on Printful and resolve the issue there. Once the issue is resolved, the order status on your Sesame Orders page will update automatically.

Last updated